That last post was brought on by news that a friend of my has flown the coop and left town. It bummed me out a little bit. O.K. more than a little. I felt like it was the end of an era. And as you may guess from my romanticized dreaming of the road lately, I’m in a state of serious reconsideration about Cackalacky. Yeah…it’s pretty. Yeah…it’s cheap. Yeah…it’s close to bigger places. But lately, I’m just terribly bored.

When I moved back here 4 years ago, it was mainly a financial decision. It was cheaper than DC, and I felt like there was tremendous potential here. But potential doesn’t always translate into reality. And like I said…I’m wicked bored. My creativity is stalled and along with it the film, and the other half dozen projects I got tired of doing without any support. And that makes me feel like…well F@ck it! I’ll just throw everything in a van and go. I even found myself staring at some guys old 70’s Caravan type monstrosity yesterday. I was thinking…wow, you could like totally live in that, and just travel around and film. That would be freakin’ awesome.

So basically I’ve officially lost my mind.

On happier news, I made friends with my local CompUSA over the past few day, and upgraded my laptop with new memory and a bigger hardrive for under $100. It was so ridiculously easy (easier than a G5, and that’s not hard) I have no idea why I didn’t do it a year ago. (Wait..oh yeah…I’ve been putting it off because while gas continues to go up, harddrive prices keep going down.)

Anyhow…somehow in the process I manage to fix my laptops annoying habit of trying to wake up over and over again when you just close it (but don’t shut down) so all in…the whole thing seriously rocks. So, of course I spent most of the day messing around with my CS4 trials, which culminated in an upgraded animation in progress and a new wallpaper just to complete my whole pimping my MacBook experience. (Yes, I know I said I was bored. That’s called contradiction. Contradiction is one of those beautiful flaws that make characters relatable, interesting and human, thus leading to an audience connection.)

And perhaps I should get a life. No seriously.



P.S. I will learn to proofread/spellcheck before publishing…someday. Just not today.